Community Engagement
Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation exemplifies the true meaning of Ubuntu, ‘I am because you are and vice versa.’ Ubuntu’s core principle rests on enhancing this relationship between humans and their environment. Nyayo Tea Zones does this through conservation of the environment using buffer zones around indigenous gazetted forest areas and livelihoods support to peri-forest communities.
The symbiotic inverse of this principle is that the conserved forests’ ecological functions and benefits to humanity are limitless. They include carbon storage, nutrients cycling, water and air purification, and maintenance of wildlife habitats among others. In other words, when we conserve the environment, the benefit to us is unquantifiable. In this respect, NTZDC undertakes the corporate responsibility to conserve the planet with the wisdom of age that ‘we do not inherit the land from our ancestors rather, we borrow it from our future generations.’ It is only right then, that we leave behind a planet that is and will be conducive for them.
Building stronger communities and establishing ample co-existence between the planet and its people has not gone without any progress to the infrastructure and economic activities around. The corporation has invested largely in activities that will continue to give and serve these communities. For instance, improved infrastructure and road networks have eased transportation for the harvested tea and other farm produce in the buffer regions while opening up the adjacent areas as hubs for booming rural economic activities. Nyayo Tea Zones can thus confidently speak of its Community Social Responsibility in three prongs all conjoined to its mandate. Its responsibility to the Planet, its unabated support to the People and its commitment to Progress.

This 3P model is governed by the mandate of the organization, its mission and the vision to see to it that our forests are protected. The Corporation also endeavors to implement its strategy in consultation with its stakeholders, partners, the Board as well as a co-design model enhanced through community participation. Currently, 2 percent of NTZDC’S total income is invested into the 3P model of social responsibility. Nyayo Tea Zones operations supports a staggering 12,000 people from the peri-forest communities through casual employment where each unionized tea-picker earns a daily wage for plucking and other plantation activities.

Major CSR Activities Undertaken by the Factory: